About the approach
Treatment can be a pleasant experience, and not necessarily a heavy burden
This approach was developed in the 1960’s at the Mental Research Institute (MRI) by a group of clinicians representing a variety of related professions: Paul Watzlawick (Jungian psychologist), John Weakland(clinical anthropologist) Richard Fisch (psychiatrist), Arhur Bodin (clinical psychologist), Jay Haley (communications and family therapy) and others. To date, this group and their students have generated a wealth of books, clinical papers, journal articles, and other publications documenting innovative clinical achievement and research-based testing of their unique therapeutic theory and strategies.
The focus of the intervention strategies is the perception that the life problems with which people cope typically stem from normal difficulties which they have amplified by repeatedly applying unsuccessful solutions. The MRI approach focuses on identifying and overcoming the pathological phenomena which nearly always are blocking the way to successful resolutions.
Focused problem-solution brief therapy is a unique approach to coping with the challenges presented by various life situations in the context of uncertainty in which we all live and doing this in an efficient and beneficial manner that will ensure a viable and predictable sequence of real-world solutions.
Those interested in learning, training and development of personal or organizational knowledge of intervention by this approach, please contact me