Identifying difficulty and defining the problem
Following questions can help to get the required information, in an organized way, to clarify the difficulty and define the problem
(What difficulty brought you?”, (What is the difficulty”
“”The answer, in most cases, is: “We have marriage problems in …”; “There is no communication between us
These answers, show that customers are talking in general and vague way. Such descriptions make it difficult for the therapist to identify the difficulty and define the problem. People do not define, generally, the issue but describe the reasons or the feelings about the problem. Because of this we have ask for clarification
“?What’s bothering you”
“?What brought you right now?” “Why now”
“What happened now, or lately, that brought you to pick up the phone and set an appointment”
This question is important because it focuses the applicant on the contemporary event that allows reference to the contexts that led him ask for help
Should be a reason why you’re willing to pay money and strive …” That’s another question for the same aim as the question above
When you receive specific answers, this may suffice, such as: “We’re talking, very little, with each other.” This is an answer that has strategic value
We have to remember that people come under duress and we have to turn the applicant to a customer. Questions mentioned above raise the answers, like: “My wife said if I do not go, so …”, or “I thought I could handle myself, but it seems I can not “, etc
– How did you choose the therapist, or this particular agency?
Choosing a therapist, or agency, is often random. Other times, the choice is made on the recommendation of others. In most cases, the applicants define by selecting the treatment and his expectations do not necessarily fit the particular therapist, or service to which they appealed. Appropriate attention can save a lot of futile efforts.