This model of thinking is attributed to causal thinking; thinking which assumes that each result has a unique reason. The development of causal- linear thinking was affected by perceptions of the Greek philosopher Aristotle (Hooker, 1993). Aristotle believed that we can understand, on a basic level, the reasons for changes that occur, with precise observation and by organizing and classification of the observed phenomena. In this respect, he was the first who laid the foundations for the development of scientific thinking which claims that science is essentially empirical and that reality is external of the person.
Aristotle was the first that established the philosophical thinking on the idea that everything that moves or changes is so because of “responsible cause” (in Greek, aitia) and because there is a final reason for it (in Greek, telos ) (Hooker, 1993).
This concept, which claims that all behavior has a reason for an earlier “responsible” ultimate cause, is the philosophical concept of teleological element (teleology) that deals with the morality of intentions. It seems that this concept inspired the formation of psychosocial-dynamic approach that is so common, indeed dominant, among most of the therapist, scientists and most of life areas.
Most of those who adopted the psychodynamic therapeutic approach explain the formation of problems by causal linear relations. Hence, solving the problems is in locating and identifying causality source of the problem (Rubin &Babbie, 1993). Dull (1983), indicates that rational thinking has encouraged the development of the rational scientific approach, and with it the ability to explore the physical world and set rules according to the perception of the way the world works. This way of thinking relies on the ideal concept of man as a rational, mature, reasonable and objective