5. Restraining the change
Here, the therapist warns the customer from the “danger” of change. The therapist notes that the change can be a worse alternative than the status quo. This tactic is used when the process of change is slow, or when there are no signs of intentionally planned change. When a change happens the therapist warns the customers from changing too fast!
For example: The therapist warns an alcoholic from the cessation of alcohol drinking! The therapist raises a thought that stopping drinking may provoke anger of his family, toward him, for not having stopped drinking alcohol many years ago and brought all the family real distress. He also warns him that stopping drinking can raise expectations for his family of his return to normal function of parenting, work, etc.. And that all this happens under circumstances in which he was a long time away from the cycle of filling these roles. Therefore, the therapist would tell him, he should have a “second thought” to decide to quit drinking alcohol.
When the alcoholic chooses, however, to quit drinking his decision has the recognition to the detoxification process and the commitment to the “risk” of quitting drinking and possible changes that would follow.
It should be noted that during designing this tactical intervention the main idea is to raise complex issues in the process of weaning, like the relations between the alcoholic and his family. The tactics is designed to encourage the customer to move forward with anticipation to the possible results of change that are unknown to him and find out caution against possible relapse and frustration.