8. Outlining the “relapse”:
This is a planned tactic that guides the customer for a relapse. This is done usually after the customer has overcome a significant obstacle in his life. As in the case of a military man who kept showing complete self-control in his military unit. At one of an operational event he collapsed and was hospitalized. After returning to his military unit he was guided by the therapist to create situations in which he had to ask others to help. It was “wrapped” by a explanation that by doing so, he will enter the role of a mentor that nurtures soldiers take responsibility for their behavior. This, of course, was a double message designed to reduce the commanders role that overloaded his daily activity and now he had to transfer responsibility for the subordinates.
Until then, the military man took all of the responsibility upon himself till he could not stand it more. Outlining the “relapse” was a different matter to organize his command and concentration patterns to a full decentralization of responsibility between commands.
A “sale” of a different conduct, to the military commander, was not an easy matter. Draft resolution was made after this idea has been explained and “wrapped” as a possible way to foster self-leadership in subordinates by small steps.
Again, this is a double message: If the client carried out the “failure” mission (asked for help) then the planned event can be interpreted as controlled by him. If the “failure” mission was not carried out, then the avoidance emphasizes that the controlling repeats itself, although in the opposite direction in terms of the planned change.